The Best Way to Set Up Your Teachable Navigation

26 June 2024

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

teachable navigation

The Best Way to Set Up Your Teachable Navigation

26 June 2024

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

teachable navigation
Are you worried your Teachable school navigation is confusing?

Teachable's website features let you completely customise the front end of your school. But that can be confusing if you don't know which navigation settings to use.

By the end of this post, you'll know exactly how to configure your school's navigation settings so that students can navigate around your school smoothly.

Let's jump in!

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Landing Page Settings

Find it: In your Teachable school > Site > Navigation

When someone goes to your main school domain (e.g., Teachable checks whether the visitor is logged in to your school.

People will see a different "home" page depending on whether they're logged in or not.

This might seem confusing, but having the right settings here can help students navigate around your school more easily.

Recommended landing page settings:
  • Homepage /p/home - For people who are logged out
    If someone isn't logged in, they should see your actual homepage. If you only have one product, you could also use that sales page here. But either way, this should be a marketing-focused page that promotes your product(s).

  • Course Directory /courses - For people who are logged in
    If someone is logged in, they probably just want to access a product they're already enrolled in. That's why we recommend taking your logged-in users straight to the Course Directory.

But if you find it too confusing having two different landing pages, you can also just select your Homepage as the default landing page for both logged-in and logged-out users.

Navigation Bar

Find it: In your Teachable school > Site > Navigation

You can add any links to your navigation bar but there are some essential ones for helping your students and visitors find their way around easily.

Recommended navigation links:
  • Home /p/home - Visible to all users
    People can click your school logo to to back to your main landing page, but if they're logged in, they'll go to your course directory. Sometimes people find that confusing, so we usually create a dedicated "Home" link that takes them to your actual home page.

  • Products /courses - Visible to all users
    This is your main product directory and it displays all of the visible products on your school. This should be shown to all users because even your current students might be interested in buying other products.

  • Purchased /courses/enrolled - Visible to logged-in users
    This page is a filtered version of your main product directory. It only shows the products that the user has enrolled in. This is a handy link for people to jump into a product.

  • Contact /current_user/contact - Visible to logged-in users
    Teachable has a built-in contact form that students can use. It's already visible in the dropdown part of the menu for logged-in users, but some students might struggle to find it there. This link should only be shown to logged-in users because the form only works if someone is logged in.

  • Login /sign_in - Visible to logged-out users
    This is where people can log in if they've already enrolled in a product.

Optional navigation links:
  • My Membership /membership - Visible to logged-in users
    You only need this link if you're selling a Membership product through Teachable. It shows people the products available in their membership tier. If you're only selling Courses, Coaching, Bundles or Digital Downloads, you can remove this link from your navigation bar.

Unnecessary navigation links:
  • Signup /sign_up - Visible to nobody
    This is where people can sign up for your school but they won't get access to any of your products. It's extremely unlikely that you'll want this enabled. And in our experience, this link can confuse people who are visiting your school and think this is a checkout link. We recommend toggling it off.

Remember, you can have any links in your navigation menu. That includes links to external websites. But these are the ones we've found work best for the student experience.

Testing Your Navigation

Since Teachable shows different pages depending on whether someone is logged in, you won't see what your visitors see unless you log out.

But logging in and out just for testing can be a pain!
Instead, use an "Incognito window" to view your school as if you're a regular visitor.

This walkthrough explains how to open an incognito window in the most popular browsers. Once you've opened a private tab, you can visit your school and to see how it looks now that you're not logged in.

Check you're happy with your landing page and navigation links and you're good to go!

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In this post, we explored the best navigation settings for your Teachable school to help visitors move around your site and access your products easily.

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